It’s A Shame For A Sinner Like Lutterodt To Condemn Me – Ebony

Counselor Lutterodt who seem to have knowledge about everything said in an interview last week that reigning female dancehall empress, Ebony Reigns should be ridded of her talent because of the constant exposure of her body.

According to him, “Ebony is a disgrace to femininity and I am doubting if her father is still married to her mother. Music is about the voice so why do you go n*de, become n*ked, go to a beach and you can see that, what you’re doing, if you are normal and have common sense, you won’t do it.”

But Ebony who does not seem to be worried about the counselor because she is focused on producing songs and staying relevant in a post replying the counselor said, “So this man said am a disgrace to femininity and God should take away my talent.smh#hewithoutsincastthefirststone#dateurfada”.
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